
The Take

Alright, here's another project from classical animation term 2 - The Take. Just in case you don't know what a take is, it's a sudden change of emotion, usually conveyed through a wild and crazy action, such as the character's eyes popping out, his jaw literally dropping to the floor, and/or pretty much anything else you could possibly think of. The take is one of the most enjoyable things to animate. For good examples of takes, check out some Tex Avery cartoons, especially the stuff he did for MGM. He loved takes so much, he created several cartoons just as a showcase for them. A personal favorite is Northwest Hounded Police:

Now here's mine:

Personality Walk

Finally got some animation on here. I finally finished some animation. Easier said than done. This was the first project of the term - the Personality Walk Cycle. For my animation, the buzz word is "cautious". I have a whole background story to go along with it too, but that's something for another time...

I'd like to get some of my older stuff up here, from term 1 and beyond. Not because they're particularly good, or because anyone other than my mom cares, but mostly for posterity's sake. It's good to have all this stuff in one place so I can look back at it someday. And laugh.

And yes, I realize that it's 3 o'clock in the morning and that I'm still at school. The best part is, I'm not even close to being the only one here. There's people in classes on the floors above and below me. That's what I love about this field, not just animation, but the arts in general. People have such passion and drive for what they do. I love it..they're crazy.

Character Model Sheets

These happen to be my model sheets for the character design crit tomorrow. This guy was featured in all three animations this term- the personality walk, the take, and the gift. As soon as I finish those, I'll post 'em.
Also, I got my marks back for life drawing. 93.3%! And according to the crazy canadian grading scale, that's 0.7% from an A+


Hand and Feet

Long Poses, more than 10 minutes

Medium Poses, 5-10 minutes

Life Drawing Term 2 Critique

The critique went really well. I should have the grades by the end of the day.

Here are the first two pages. 30 second to 5 minutes gestures:

A bit more in depth...

So that's the end of the skeleton. I really enjoyed doing those. For some reason, I had an easier time with ol' skelly than with the actual models. Probably because skelly doesn't move. At all.





I feel it in my bones...

This is the beginning of everything...

Ok! This is the first post on the blog. I hate that word - "blog." It just doesn't sound appetizing at all...

So, I'll try and get caught up with everything. I'll start with all the skeleton studies we've been doing in life drawing.